Crimlin, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 V008
Email: crimlinschool@gmail.com
Website: www.crimlinschool.com
Ph: O94 9025432 / (083) 0839038
Reading / Léitheoireacht
Tell us about a book you read today.
The title of the book is ........................................
The people in the story are ................, ............, and ..................
I like ................ best, because he (she)............
Draw a picture of him (or her).
What happened in the story? Tell us about it.
The long o sound
Look at Sounds Make Words 2nd Class, page 13.
Write the questions, marking the long o sound. Like this:
Do you like toast? oa
Do you have a pet at home? o_e
Do you own anything yellow? ow
Now look at Read at Home 2, page 11. Read it aloud, listening to the sounds you are making.
Notice these long o sounds: home hole window
grown overnight
You will hear yourself saying words that sound like they have the long o sound. Like these:
golden told
When you are answering a question, your answer will need to be in the form of a full sentence.
Here is how to do it.
Look at the question. Why was Fox looking in the cupboard?
You can use some of those words in your answer. Why was Fox looking in the cupboard?
Take those words, and start your answer: Fox was looking in the cupboard....
Now look at the story. Find the sentence that tells you why Fox was looking in the cupboard.
Fox looked in the cupboard for something to eat.
You can use some of the words in your answer.
Finish your sentence: Fox was looking in the cupboard for something to eat.
St Brigid / Naomh Bríd - click here

Using sounds to help work out what the words are.
Often a single letter will have its own sound in a word. For example b in boat. Or t.
We can show this by putting a dot under the b and the t.
Sometimes two letters together make a single sound. For example oa.
You can hear the o, but not the a.
We can show this by putting a line under the two letters oa.
So in the word "boat", we hear only 3 sounds, even though there are 4 letters in the word.
If you know what the word is, you don't need to sound it out - just say it.
However, if you can't think what the word is, say the sounds - and listen to yourself saying them.
Do the sounds remind you of a word you know?
Sounding out the letters can jog your memory and help you say the word and then you know what it is.
Sounding out letters is also a help if you want to spell a word.
So it's easier to write what you want to say.
Notice the end of the word.
In your Sounds Make Words, you learn about the ending of a word.
When you read, put this to good use.
Look at the end of the word.
When you say a word, listen to the end of it. It is probably a sound that you know.

You know the sounds of letters.
Now put them to good use.
Reading is fun. It's interesting when you find out something new.
If you know a word, just say it.
But if you're stuck, use the sounds of the letters.
Here we look at the pattern made by a vowel, a consonant and Magic e.
For example abe, ace, ade, afe, age, ake, ale, ame, ane, ape, are, are, ate, ave.
When you read, watch out for groups of letters like these.

Using this computer game to help learn the various sounds in the English language.
"First Steps" is the name of the first game, which has about 7 weeks work in it.
The sounds your child will work on are shown on Islands 1 - 8 in the photo.
Your child will take about 7 weeks to work through all that material.
Your child should spend about 4 minutes on the game at any one time.
Have a book ready for your child to read when the computer game has been turned off. Encourage him/her to look for and sound out the letters s/he has been playing with on the computer game.
Remember to read a real book often to your child and encourage him/her to join in by putting his/her finger under the words and by noticing some of the sounds s/he has been playing with on the computer game.
Remember also that reading takes a long time to develop. Enjoy the journey.

Kitchen sounds

Lent is the period of time which is set aside for penance, fasting and almsgiving in preparation for the celebration of Easter.
It begins on Ash Wednesday.
Lent is a time to turn towards God.
During Lent we can turn away from the things that distract us from others, and from God.
Lent is a time for feeling closer to God.
You can say this poem:
Turn away from being a bully.
Turn towards being kind.
Turn away from being rough.
Turn towards being gentle.
Turn away from being selfish.
Turn towards sharing.
Turn away from wrong.
Turn towards a God who loves me.
Spelling: Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check.
This is how to learn your spellings:
You need a pencil, a copy, a rubber and a topper.
Put your spelling list beside your copy.
Look at the word you want to learn.
Notice things about the word. How many letters in it?
What letter is at the start of the word? At the end?
Say all the letters of the word aloud, 5 times.
Now put your topper over the word, and write the word in your copy.
Lift the topper, and check whether you got the word right.
Check each letter one by one. If you have any mistake, rub it out and write it correctly.
Now move on to the next word.