The Colour Purple!
1. A purple scarf in the making. Scaif chorcra ag fás. 2. A lovely hairband, made in Crimlin! Ceannbhanda deas, déanta i gCromghlinn!...
Knitting to keep the cold out!
We’re all knitting for the month of January. To start everyone off, Mrs Gordon knitted this footballing action man. Táimid go léir i mbun...
Something's Cooking!
The senior pupils have their cookery lesson in the school kitchen with class teacher Ms. Grennan. Tá na daltaí sinsearacha i mbun...
An Damhsa Mór
Junior pupils perform An Damhsa Mór, using the promenade step, the sidestep and clapping to music. Na daltaí sóisearacha ag damhsa, agus...
Helmets On!
Class teacher Ms. Grennan helps Gerry Butler, cycling instructor, to fit cycling helmets correctly on the senior pupils. Déanann an...
Santa Hug!
A delighted Mrs. Gordon got a big hug from Santa Claus when he visited at Christmas. Tá lúcháír ar Bhean Uí Ghuarnacháin agus í faoi...
Cookie Crumbles!
The senior pupils baked cookies in the school kitchen then presented them to everyone. Rinne na daltaí sinsearacha brioscaí a bhácáil sa...
Remembrance Garden
The children remember with tenderness their loved ones who have passed away, by putting a flower in their Remembrance Garden at...
Hallowe'en Fun!
The junior children watch as Mrs Gordon takes their Hallowe’en bracks from the oven. Keep back-it’s hot! Aer te ag teacht amach ón...